Changing Your Schedule

Schedule or Level Changes

All students carry a minimum of six classes per semester. In the event that students wish to change a course or level, the following procedure will be used. (All changes are dependent upon available seats in the class.) All schedule changes are made by the counselors. Until the counselor makes the change, students must attend all classes on their schedule.

1. For a class change – Students must complete the required form available in the Guidance Office. The parent/guardian must sign the form. Course changes should be made PRIOR to the first day of class in each semester. NO course changes will be made after the 10th day of class. Students changing courses are responsible for making up ALL assignments, tests and quizzes.

2. For a level change – Students requesting to move down a level must remain in the course for the first 5 school days. Students requesting a level change should pick up a form in the Guidance Office and obtain all necessary signatures. Level changes are always contingent upon availability in classes and can occur after students’ schedules are made only if there is room in the other level course. Changes will not always be possible due to this restriction. Overloading classes to accommodate a change will not be approved.

3. Withdrawing from a class – To initiate a withdrawal from a class, students must make an appointment with their counselor. When students withdraw from a course, the following conditions prevail:

a. Students may withdraw from a semester course through the last school day of September for first semester, the last school day in February for second semester.

b. Students who withdraw from a course after the deadline will be given a WF or W depending on the student performance at the time the class is removed from the schedule. This includes pass/no pass courses. Students will then be assigned to study hall.

c. Students who withdraw from the course after the deadline may not enter another credit course until the beginning of the next semester.

d. Students must remain in the class until the change process is completed by the counselor.

Pass/No Pass

Pass/No Pass is an option that allows a student to receive credit in a course without a grade affecting his/her grade point average. This option has the following restrictions and requirements:

1. There is a limit of one unit per school year (including Summer School). No more than two units can be taken in a general subject area, and no more than four total units can be taken pass/no pass.

2. Driver Education can be taken pass/no pass.

3. Pass/no pass can only be used for College Prep level classes that are not a graduation requirement.


5. If the pass/no pass course is dropped or a student withdraws after 20 school days, a grade of WF or W will be recorded on the transcript. The student may not register for another course to replace it. The student will be placed in study hall.

6. Teachers know which students are registered pass/no pass and grade the student’s work as though it were not on a pass/no pass basis, but report only P (pass) or F (fail) on the semester grade report.

7. The forms for electing pass/no pass are obtained from the Guidance Department.