In this section, you will find information that will assist you along with the scholarship process. Take some time to look through the different avenues to receive scholarships. As we say in the office, "Finding scholarships is not easy. It will take some time, but thetime is well worth it!"
There are three types of scholarships on this page.
1. GoingMerry. This is a free nationwide scholarship search engine. Create a new e-mail address that will be used for scholarship searching. We recommend not using your H-F or Personal e-mail address. Register and complete the profile on GoingMerry and you will receive scholarships opportunities that are specific to you. Then start applying!
2. Regional Scholarships. On the right hand side is a list of scholarships that are closer to home. This list is updated as we receive new information.
3. H-F Foundation Scholarships. These scholarships are for H-F students only. Please read below for additional information.
Below is a link to Going Merry. Please use this for searching for nationwide scholarships as well as the H-F Foundation Scholarships. The H-F Foundation Scholarships will open on March 18, 2024. All scholarship applications will be found on Going Merry. This free scholarship website will provide students and families with many other scholarship opportunities. Please create an account and answer all of the profile questions to create a list of scholarships that meet your requirements.
Here are a few tips on how to find scholarships: