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Student TV: Viking Television/VTV
Faculty Sponsor: Mark Cielsielski
VTV is our student-run television station that produces daily video announcements and special segments weekly. Click here for more Viking TV info.
Student Newspaper: The Voyager
Faculty Sponsor: Rachael Kucharski
The Voyager is our award-winning, student-run newspaper program that publishes bi-weekly editions. The Voyager was No. 1 in the state of Illinois in 2011! Click here for more Voyager info.
Student Radio: WHFH 88.5 FM
Faculty Sponsor:
WHFH is our student-run, 1500-watt radio station, broadcasting at 88.5FM five days per week. Click here for more WHFH info.
Student Yearbook: Odin
Faculty Sponsor: Candi Helsel-Wilk
This annual H-F publication is entirely student-produced. Our intent is to do our best to represent as many members of the student body as possible while holding to the highest journalistic standards.
Student Literary Magazine: Edda
Faculty Sponsor: Sahar Mustafah
This annual H-F publication features creative writing and artwork by H-F students and staff. The magazine was introduced to the school in the 1961/62 school year; its name, Edda, is derived from volumes of Norse oral mythology, meaningfully connected to the school's mascot, the Viking, in tradition and spirit. It exists to be a creative voice for the students of H-F to express their broad and diverse talents.