College & Career Planning

image of decision day students

Welcome to H-F's Post-Secondary Counselor Page. Our Post-Secondary Counselors Brad Kain and Kevin Coy offer our students and families all of the support and resources necessary to navigate the college-application and career-planning process.

H-F's Post-Secondary Counselors help students:

  • Make post-secondary plans (college, workforce, military, etc.)

  • Narrow the list of college choices based on academic and personal preferences

  • Identify possible majors and minors

  • Complete the entire application process

  • Obtain financial aid and scholarship information

  • Decide on which college is the best fit...for the right price

  • Complete college specific information such as housing, orientation, etc.

Recent Presentations & Programs (Jan. 23, 2024)



College Reps visiting HF

These are college reps visiting HF to meet with our students. A list of the reps visiting can be found on SchooLinks, under the "Events" tab on the Dashboard. Students can sign up on SchooLinks. They will need to request a pass from the teacher whose class they are missing to attend the meeting. The visits are held in our College Room, located in the back of the library. 




SchooLinks is a College and Career Readiness application available for the students at Homewood-Flossmoor High School. With SchooLinks, students can:



Students can click on the link above and login with their HF Google account.


Utilize individual college webpages for their campus visits. While on the college page, set up an appointment with the college rep responsible for students from H-F. Many college pages also host webinars, in order to learn additional information about the college. Take advantage of getting on a college's mailing list, so you don't miss out on any important information!

Important Resources & Videos 

Department Staff

Follow us on Twitter: @HFCollegeCorner


Image of Kevin Coy

Kevin Coy Post-Secondary Counselor
[email protected], 708-335-5614

Mr. Coy works with students whose last name falls between Lan-Z.

  • B.A. Business Management - Loras College

  • M.A. School Counseling - Lewis U.


Image of Brad Kain


Brad Kain Post-Secondary Counselor
[email protected], 708-335-5615

Mr. Kain works with students whose last name falls between A-Lam.

  • B.A. History - Lewis U.

  • M.A. School Counseling - Lewis U.

  • M.A. Education - Olivet Nazarene U.