Need Your Scores?
Use These Helpful Links!
Getting SAT Scores
SAT Parent & Student Helpline: (866) 756-7346
Find dates and registration links for Saturday SAT exams here.
Getting PSAT 10 Scores
PSAT Parent & Student Helpline: (866) 433-7728
PSAT 8/9
Getting Your PSAT 8/9 Scores
PSAT Parent & Student Helpline: (866) 433-7728
If Score Report is not found for SAT, PSAT 10 or PSAT 8/9,
click here for instructions on how to use the Score Matching Tool.
View Your AP Scores
AP Helpline for Students and Parents: (888) 225-5427
A unique PIN has been emailed to each student from the Assessment Office, dated 6/1/23, along with the following:
Candidate Portal
Candidate Results Pack (guide for using the candidate portal)