College Application Process
In this section, you will find a brief overview of both federal and state financial aid programs, along with a guide to filing the proper forms. You'll also find a glossary of terms, a list of tips for filing the forms, and a copy and explanation of the federal paperwork you'll receive once you've filed your form.
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College Admissions Checklists
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What is the Common Ap?
The Common Application (informally known as the Common App) is an undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply to over 1000 member colleges, universities, and community colleges in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as in Canada, Australia, China, Japan and many European countries.[1] Member colleges and universities that accept the Common App are made up of over 250 public universities, 12 Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and over 400 institutions that do not require an application fee.
If you have questions about post-secondary planning, contact our Post-Secondary Counselors
Kevin Coy
Brad Kain