If your child has never been enrolled at HF, the parent/guardian must provide proof of residency information.
ATTENTION: Students must be withdrawn from their current school before registering at Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Required Student Information
- Student’s birth certificate/passport (International students must submit both birth certificate and passport).
- Student Enrollment and Personal Information Sheet, and Affidavit
- Divorce Decree: first page, last page and section showing custody/parenting agreement (if applicable)
- Court-Ordered Guardianship papers/906 Foster Placement Form: copies of first page, custody page, and signature page (if applicable)
- IEP/Section 504 Plan (parent must provide a current copy at time of registration if applicable)
- Incoming Freshman: junior high diploma and final 8th Grade report card
- Unofficial transcript from previous high school (10-12 graders and second semester freshmen)
- ISBE Student transfer form (required only if the student is transferring from an Illinois high school)
- Withdrawal grades/grades in progress
- Discipline records or good standing letter (we may request if it is not provided)
- Immunizations/shot records (Seniors must have an updated meningococcal immunization)
- Illinois State Health Physical (9th grade or more recent) (both sides of the official form)
- Proof of Dental Exam
- Proof of residency (1) document from Category I and (1) document from Category II and (2) documents from Category III (See Required Documents below)
- Student Enrollment and Records form. Once you complete the form, you must PRINT and submit along with your residency paperwork.
If your student is transferring from a private school or out of state school, at the time of submitting enrollment documents proving residency a “Good Standing Form” will be faxed/emailed to the last school attended. Once the form is returned to the Registrar’s office and found that your student is leaving in “good standing”, you will move forward in the enrollment process.