Integrated Math
Phasing in Integrated Math
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, Homewood-Flossmoor High School is moving from a traditional math course structure of Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trig to an Integrated Math 1, 2 and 3 structure. It will be a phased-in approach with Math 1 in 2024-25, Math 2 in 2025-26 and Math 3 in 2026-27, allowing for a smooth transition for students and staff. This timeline allows students to be prepared for the SAT when they take it as juniors. The SAT is the measure the state of Illinois uses to assess schools and is a predictor of college and career readiness.
Ultimately, our goal is to increase mathematical thinking and performance of all students through the Integrated Math model that has shown favorable results around the globe in preparing students for their futures. At Homewood-Flossmoor High School, we are shifting to integrated math for the reasons many schools do, including:
- Real-World Connections Integrated math aims to show the interconnectedness of mathematical concepts and their applications in the real world. By integrating different branches of math, students better understand how mathematical principles are used together.
- Problem-Solving Skills: Integrated math emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking skills. It encourages students to apply mathematical concepts to solve complex problems, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject.
- Prep Advanced Topics: Integrated math is designed to provide a solid foundation for more advanced mathematical topics. By introducing and interweaving various concepts throughout the curriculum, students are better prepared for higher-level mathematics.
- Raising Achievement: Math achievement scores need to improve across the United States, including here at HF. We know we need to make a change so we can better prepare students in math. Integrated math shows positive results worldwide.
Same concepts - Different order
It’s important to understand that students learn the same concepts, just in a more natural sequence that reinforces ideas across courses. A spiral curriculum includes multiple opportunities to review, reteach and introduce new concepts earlier than in the traditional curriculum when concepts are taught in isolation. The order concepts are taught better aligns to the SAT with emphasis on algebra, problem-solving and data analysis. This includes eliminating a 15-month gap between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2/Trig when students often don’t retain all that they learned.Integrated Math maintains the rigor students need while better preparing for them for advanced math courses as well as the SAT, and college and career readiness. Advanced courses including including Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics will all still be available.
Our why: Students need something different to be better mathematical thinkers and problem-solvers
Homewood-Flossmoor High School recognizes that mathematics achievement for American students lags behind their peers globally. The United States places 38 out of 71 countries in math according to Programme for International Student Assessment. Our school is not immune to this challenge. HF's math scores have room for improvement and our belief is that Integrated Math will help HF address student performance gaps.
It is imperative that we address these challenges head on to assure our students are best prepared to be mathematical thinkers and problem-solvers.
Every student is a math person
HF is committed to putting into place a system that is proven successful worldwide. Integrated Math, when delivered with fidelity and supported properly, can make a difference for students. HF will be phasing in Integrated Math over the next three years to assure a coherent curriculum aligned with all courses (freshman through senior year) allows for students to move to learn. This includes algebra, geometry, and statistics in all courses of the integrated math sequence. Our efforts support students through effective co-teaching teams, modified math intervention and increased rigor with earned honors.
Research based change
Over the course of the past few years, HF has been preparing for this change. Prior to the pandemic, data analysis began. In 2021, research picked back up leading to the decision to implement Integrated Math. In 2023, HF adopted CPM, College Prepartory Math for Algebra 1 and Geometry, introducing teachers and students to its collaborative learning and problem-solving techniques. The phasing in of CPM Integrated Math will begin in the 2024-25 school year with Integrated Math 1 and continue for the next two years for Integrated Math 2 and then 3.
Same concepts in a different order
In an Integrated Math sequence, students learn the same mathematical concepts, just in a more natural sequence that reinforces ideas across courses. A spiral curriculum includes multiple opportunities to review, reteach and introduce new concepts earlier than in the traditional curriculum. This better aligns to SAT with emphasis on algebra, problem-solving and data analysis. And, it eliminates 15-month gap between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2/Trig.
Supports in place to assure students succeed
HF is committed to assuring the proper supports are in place to assure students succeed. Integrated Math I Double Block is a double period of math designed to provide additional time for identified students. Co-taught Integrated Math I is a general education class taught for general education students and IEP students with identified math needs. All students have access to a math tutoring (before/after school, Saturday mornings in library, Sunday-Thursday evenings virtual). And, all math teachers are available to provide support during Viking Compass.
What does the phase in look like?
Integrated Math courses will be phased in beginning in the 2024-25 school year to allow proper time for professional development for teachers to implement the curriculum with fidelity. In addition to rearrange the sequencing of materials, teachers are learning engaging practices to help students master concepts.
As you will see of this chart, students will still have access to a complete compliment of mathematics courses including advance courses such as Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, Calculus H, AP, AB, BC and IB.
The CPM Educational Program, which stands for College Preparatory Mathematics, is a widely used math program in the United States, known for its focus on collaborative learning and problem-solving. The curriculum aims to prepare students for more advanced mathematics courses and provide them with a strong foundation in math.
- CPM Core Connections: Integrated I, II and III
- Coherent curriculum that aligns with all courses from Integrated Math 1 through Integrated Math 3.
- Same resources for Honors, CP, and Double Block.
Want to know more?
- Contact Mathematics Department Chair Rob White
- Download the Integrated Math PDF